Our monthly meetings are on the FIRST Tuesday of each month from September to June.
Our meetings are available in-person at the studio and via ZOOM.
NOTE: For some presentations the best experience is to attend the in-person meeting. During poor weather conditions, were in-person meetings are not advisable, the meeting will be held via ZOOM. Alternate presentation may occur in these cases.
All meetings will be at the Focus on Fibre Art Association Studio (FFAA) at #100, 10554 – 110 St. You are encouraged to use the back door. There will be a sign over the doorway.
Room is open at 6:30 pm and the meeting starts at 7:00 pm. See you there!
Want to come and see what we're all about? Your first visit is free. All subsequent meetings require you to purchase a membership.
NOTE: Please bring INSIDE SHOES!